One Easy Way to Increase Your Social Media Content

You may have your content calendar loaded up for each day of the week; maybe you have special videos planned, or you have your DMs auto-set to answer any questions that come fast and furious, but your brewery might be missing one content addition that is easy and manageable, which helps connect you to your consumer.

User-Generated Content can be a key, and not just for connecting with your audience.

“UGC is a great asset: it makes your job easier, and it celebrates your fans,” said Michelle Taylor, Funkwerks‘ Graphic Designer, at the 2019 CBC. “It makes customers feel good.”

She added that if you are asking the question of what your brand voice is, that means you are doing the right thing.

Taylor pointed out that having that brand should be not only in photo captions, but in DMs and other responses.

“If you have a team of people doing social, make sure they all understand that voice and work well together so it’s cohesive,” she said.

Odell Brewing uses its large reach and turns around to share those posts that are given to them.

“We want to put our fans on a podium,” said Odell Social Media Manager Kristen Wood.

She said breweries that give out swag, like hats and koozies, should have a hashtag on them to generate user content. One such Odell-specific hashtag is #HowIDrumroll.

“When people take pictures, have them use the hashtag, and go and look for it and share it,” she said.

If you are a “one-man-band” like brewer/owner Todd DiMatteo of Good Word Brewing in Duluth, Georgia, then knowing that voice is easy, since the voice is you.

But don’t be afraid to pass that responsibility onto someone else if it’s too much to keep up and be authentic. Missing a mash-in isn’t as important.

“If you can post every day, you should,” he noted. “Make a bunch of hashtags and use those all the time.

“But if you are posting garbage just to post garbage, it’s not helping.”

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  1. Brewer Magazine Q&A: Brad Lincoln, Funkwerks
  2. Adapting Your Social Media Strategies​

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