Looking for ways to increase your price per seat? Want a consumer to stay for one more beer or even have them bring another friend, who in turn stays for one more beer? Here are three ways we think can help get people in the door and boost business if you start doing them today:
Diverse Products Available
Be OK with not serving your beer to someone. I know, I know … it sounds awful, yet being able to offer more than your beer in the form of cider, seltzer, and wine could open up opportunities to larger groups that include people that say “I don’t like beer.”
A local brewery in the Toledo, Ohio area just recently began offering what is, at best, a “loss leader” that has helped boost beer sales. By adding packaged cans of seltzer, cider, and wine, people who like beer can bring along someone who doesn’t. In a short time, the top seller has been canned ciders that were purchased through the same distributor that the brewery sells its products through. Second place has been canned and individual-serving wine followed by canned seltzer.
Having those products on hand help bring in more people and the people that buy your beer will be there for more than one now that they don’t have to leave right away.
People Like to Gamble
Here in Ohio, we just got the ability to place bets online and apps like DraftKings and MGMBet have been popular downloads since January 1. People just like the chance to have some “skin in the game.”
Now, you don’t have to correlate this to sports at all. Create a fun game where people have a chance to win a six-pack of beer. Go to your local C-Store and buy $100 in $1 scratch-offs and give them away to anyone that buys two beers in the taproom or a six-pack to go. Layout an astroturf putting mat and offer the chance to win a gift certificate to whoever sinks the most consecutive hole-in-ones that week.
There are even companies that insure large giveaways for a low price on your end up front, it could generate lots of people coming in to try to win this large prize, like a car, $10,000, or a trip to a popular beer city. The sky is the limit.
Be Photogenic
Not you, personally. But create a space in your taproom or outside that can be a spot people can take pictures at and encourage them to share them on social media. Work within your state laws to create incentives for people to post pictures and videos on their social media accounts with that backdrop area. It could be a discount on a beer, free swag, or whatever you deem worth something to a consumer. Invent a hashtag that they can use for your to track on your social media. This gives you free social media content as well to use later.
So hire an artist to paint a mural. Set up a few barrels for people to pose around. Be creative and let your consumers do the rest. This gives them a chance to want to come back to receive their incentive and do it again with more friends.
Photo courtesy Adobe Stock
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