Taking the time to tell consumers about sustainability efforts is worth the payoff says Aslan Brewing‘s Layne Carter.
“We do think it’s worth telling consumers outright so customers know loud and clear that by drinking Aslan beer, they’re making a good choice for the planet,” said the Sustainability Manager for the Bellingham, Washington brewery.
In the March/April print edition of Brewer, many breweries shared how they are working at making more sustainable packaging. They also shared how they are making sure consumers know the difference and leverage it for marketing share in their mind.
Aslan uses its social media platforms to convey the sustainability efforts that the brewery makes.
“Oftentimes, we post about the importance of making organic craft beer and why choosing organic is better for our planet and community,” Carter said. “We are also a B Corp, so it’s a goal of ours to educate other companies and the public on what that means and why it’s a cool thing.
“This is usually done via Instagram, Facebook or Tiktok. We publish an annual sustainability report, too, that serves as a benchmark for our progress and goal tracking.”
READ MORE: Becoming B Corp Certified
Sometimes, saying nothing can be just as important to other breweries.
Locavore Beer Works hasn’t invested much outside of general social media acknowledgement of sustainability in its canning program, explained co-owner Andy Nelson.
“Living in Colorado I guess it’s just understood that folks are doing what they can,” he said. “Some of our regional players are really getting out in front with sustainability efforts — mostly in energy — and marketing our removable label seems, well, a bit proud of our participation trophy. But, every bit helps.”
Other than the #unzipwithme campaign, Horse & Dragon Brewing doesn’t really market these efforts to consumers.
”We should probably focus on this some more, but we feel like these efforts should be the bare minimum/low bar for doing business, not a badge of honor,” admitted co-founder Carol Cochran.”It’s a little weird to market — which often feels like bragging — about not being as hard as we could be on the environment.”
That said, H&D does have a sustainability subpage on its website, but Cochran said they don’t drive traffic there very purposefully.
”We try to help broadcast education efforts of the city, state, or industry to the folks who follow us on social media,” she said.
Having the benefit of being in a region like Northern Colorado with dozens of brewers in which all of whom are willing to share environmental sustainability triumphs and frustrations with all. Cochran said they meet quarterly about water issues, as an example.
Photo courtesy Aslan Brewing
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