Developing a strategy to stay competitive amongst the surging amount of locally made beverages in your area can be an uphill climb for any cidery looking to make its mark.
Can much be done anymore because of such a surge of brands available when it comes to retail shelves or on-premise tap handles?
Ciara Metzger of Sociable Cider Werk said the Minnesota brand is continuing to evolve and find new ways to reach consumers and keep them around.
“The surge of brands is helpful in some ways because as the cider category grows, more and more people are going to drink it,” she told Brewer. “However, it does make it more of a competitive space.”
Having a consistent flow of reliable and creative cider is one way to help combat consumer boredom and the ease of having promiscuous buying habits.
“There is so much noise on the shelves of stores today, the best brand strategy is in our own taproom,” surmises Sly Clyde‘s Doug Smith. “We have a distribution plan, and we plan for broader distribution, but gaining traction has been rough, particularly with the rise of fermented waters.
“At the end of the day, we find that our brand captures the most attention when we are true to ourselves and not chasing the next big thing.”
READ MORE: Cider Corner: Picking the Right Apples, Keeping Consumers Informed
Having seasonal favorite and core selections can help build a fan base and help your brand stand against the competition.
Outside of the liquid in the glass, there are ways to expand on capturing a new consumer or holding the attention of a current fan.
EVENTS: Be it having the ability to host a music show, flea market, charity events, or trying something new, being that local connector to your consumer base in your home market can be pivotal.
While these events don’t always say “craft cider” from an outside point of view — there is a crossover in demographics that can be great for your brand.
ARTWORK: The look of your canned and bottled products need to differentiate itself in the market and help define brand identity and brand loyalty.
AWARDS: Utilize local and uncommon ingredients and seek regional and national competitions along with building critiques from the beverage press and media to help build your reputation.
BEING SOCIAL: In a time where customer service overall can be daunting and lacking across the board — and marketing professionals wear multiple hats that can stretch them thin — customer service is paramount. Posting accurate and up-to-date information on your social media, website, and marketing emails is a big help. Give people clear and concise, relevant information, and respond to as many inquiries as possible. Show customers that you care about their thoughts, questions, and concerns.
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