Browsing the tents and tables of a weekend Farmer’s Market is a great way to see a showcase of art in a variety of forms, from handcrafted soaps, jewelry, clothing , and other items to locally produced meat and produce, it only seems appropriate to find a beer made just for such an event.
Colorado’s Lone Tree tried its hand at such an artisan effort with a recent release called Rye So Flustered, a collaboration Rye Ale brewed with four jars of Kiki’s Original Chickpea Mustard Spread at the brewery’s 5th annual Fall Market on October 16.
Kiki Langan, Founder & President of Kiki’s Spreads said they knew that beer mustard has been done a lot but a mustard beer was rare.
”Showcasing the only mustard in my chickpea-based spreads line up was an ideal pairing and one that I knew would be able to give the brew a hearty mouthfeel and smooth drinkability,” Langan told Brewer.
READ MORE: Brew Review: Celebrating National Mustard Day a Whole New Way — Oskar Blues/French’s
The Lone Tree brew team has experimented with other culinary-based ingredients in the past, however, the mustard spread was a new ingredient that it had not worked with before, noted Dennis Stack, Lone Tree’s Sales & Marketing Director. One jar of mustard was added to the mash, another in the boil, and the last two were during fermentation.
“Each addition of mustard spread into the different stages of the process served a specific purpose,” Stack said. “The mash addition was mainly for aroma and color, the boil addition would be for flavor, and the addition in fermentation is to bolster aroma.
“A rye beer just seemed to be a perfect style to compliment the mustard provided by Kiki.”
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