Here were the most read stories on BrewerMag.com this past year according to metrics compiled by the Brewer Magazine staff.
The Struggle Highlands Hollow Overcame in First Year
Highlands Hollow stands out as a cornerstone of Boise’s brewing scene. Grand Teton Brewing, now located in Idaho, started as Otto Brother’s Brewing in Wyoming in 1988 but moved to the state a decade later with the name change. According to the brewery’s website, Compton started with the brewery in 1993 — when it was then known as Harrison Hollow (until 2004) — and trained under then Head Brewer Jim Fishwild and assistant brewer Ben Brownell.
Opinion: I Have a Theory About Why Breweries are Struggling — The Reason is Out of Our Control
Chris Bell opened Call to Arms Brewing Company in 2015. “About a year before, we were running around Denver with a couple of real estate brokers looking for a commercial space to lease. The truth is, I found the space, not our brokers. While they adamantly disagree, I will die on this hill,” he tells Brewer in this Opinion Piece.
The Early Changes That Indiana’s 1st Brewpub Had to Make to Thrive
Billy Hannan shares with Brewer how the original owner, John Hill (with wife Nancy and his father-in-law) had come across brewpubs on a trip out west and felt that there was a niche in the market to be exploited. “John was a contractor by trade and was able to convert the existing building (an auto parts store) into a restaurant himself. John also wanted a place where he could enjoy English-style beers like the kind he drank as a young man in his native Yorkshire, England,” he said in this Q&A.
The Strategies Abita Will Employee to Push New 19.2 Offerings
Abita recently shared with Brewer that it has seen great movement in sales for its stovepipe packaging and is making a move to expand on that with new varieties. Already the top-selling 19.2-ounce can in its home state of Louisiana with its AndyGator brand, an 8% Helles Doppelbock, Abita VP of Marketing, Heidi Guerra said that building on that success is a key for the coming year.
How Descendants Now Steers the Ship as New Jersey’s Oldest Brewery
In 1985, Ann and David Hall opened the Ship Inn. It was a quaint English pub in the little river town of Milford, New Jersey. By 1994 there was word that New Jersey was finally interested in allowing on-premise brewing and the Halls asked themselves, “Why import classic English ales when you can make them yourself?”
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