Who knows about Beer Can Appreciation Day? Chuckanut Brewery does! January 24 is the big day and Chuckanut Brewery’s two locations will be celebrating with a discount off each 6-pack you purchase.
How did this special day come about you might ask, it’s based on the first time beer was offered in a can in 1935! Yes, in those days the cans were steel cans and they used a church key to open them. Lucky for all of us we now have beer cans with tabs that stay on the top of the can making it a lot easier to open.
The first beer in cans appeared at Krueger Brewing Company in Richmond, VA shortly after the repeal of Prohibition. The 4 oz hefty steel cans were a popular hit with drinkers favoring them over bottles 9 to 1. The first pull tab can was offered in 1963 by Pittsburgh Brewing Company followed in 1975 by the StaTab which was safer than the sharp edged pull tab can.
Chuckanut Brewery makes a very small supply of canned Chuckanut beer available mostly in Portland at P. Nut Beer Hall (920 SE Caruthers St) and at the South Nut Tap Room at the brewery at the Port of Skagit. There are a few other places around Puget Sound you can sometimes find Chuckanut cans but it’s rare occasion.
You can enjoy Chuckanut beers in cans filled with multiple styles of beer. For Beer Can Appreciation Day on January 24th you can find Chuckanut Bohemian Style Pilsner, Kolsch German Ale, Italian Style Pilsner, Pale Ale, Scarlet Ale, Japanese Style Lager and others at P. Nut and South Nut. Get in early on the 24th for the best selection, cheers!
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