Wow it’s getting cold out there and Chuckanut Brewery has some awesome biers to warm you up starting with the Bock Bier. This strong, full bodied lager has been aged in the fermentation tank for almost 3 months. Chuckanut bock has notes of dark stone fruits with a smooth finish. Some describe Bock as a lighter weight barley wine. Following on the heels of the Bock will be the Baltic Porter, due out after December 16. Another heavy weight in the world of lagers (yes it’s really a lager beer) Chuckanut Baltic Porter has an ABV of over 8% but goes down deceptively easy. Even more body than the Bock and darker brown, almost black in color, the Baltic Porter was brewed by Baltic countries who liked the English Porter and the Russian Imperial Stouts. They used their lager yeast to brew this heavy duty strong lager. Chuckanut has bottles of Bock now and will have the Baltic Porter in bottles just in time for Christmas.
Chucknaut Stout is the seasonal ale for winter at Chuckanut Brewery. The 2019 rendition of Stout has notes of coffee, roasted malts and chocolate. A small addition of oats amp up the creamy mouthfeel without becoming overly sweet and a velvety smoothness coats the palate with hints of biscuit and toast. The malts in this Stout are an international affair with Pilsner, Munich (German), Chocolate and Roast Malts (UK and Argentina) and Oats (USA). German hops provide a clean bitterness while accenting the roasted flavors. A perfect Stout for our wet weather!
Citra Leaf Pilsner continues to please local hop heads with it’s Yakima Chief Citra Leaf hops highlighted in a Chuckanut basic pilsner recipe. Lots of citrus flavors and aromas in a clean, crisp and effervescent lager make this beer easy to drink and super refreshing.
The new Italian Style Pilsner comes out the week of December 16. This collaboration lager with friends at Chuck’s Hop Shop highlights the up and coming new style of Pilsner originated in Italy with Tipopils from Birrificio Italiano in Italy. Chuckanut has used Italian grown Pilsner malt to lay down a backbone that delivers graininess and slight honey sweetness. But the star of the show is the Noble hops: Hallertau Perle & Tradition for a clean bitterness and Tettanger & Saaz for flavor and aroma. This is a German Pilsner on steroids! A highly drinkable lager with huge notes of spicy and herbal hops.
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