Branch & Bone was recognized by RateBeer for Best New Brewer in Ohio. Every year RateBeer recognizes the best new brewers, best places for beer by region and country, best reviewers, best beers in the world, best beers by style and best 100 brewers in the world.
Branch & Bone was recognized as part of the RateBeer best awards 2019 for Best New Brewer in Ohio. RateBeer tabulated over 4.2 million reviews submitted by its global community, examining more than 640,000 beers by over 33,000 brewers and over 74,000 places around the world — bars, taprooms, brewpubs and more, from Brazil to the U.S. to China.
“It was a pleasant surprise and we are flattered to have been recognized in a field of our peers. It’s a major award” said Brett Smith, Brewer/Founder at Branch & Bone.
Helping bring new life into a historic neighborhood, Branch & Bone is a small 7-barrel brewery and taproom located in Dayton,Ohio that specializes in wild and mixed fermentation beers.
“2019 was our most competitive year to date, seeing continued growth in the number of brewers, beers and ratings added to the site. We couldn’t be prouder to recognize these breweries for this hard-earned honor,” said Joe Tucker, founder of RateBeer.
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