RadCraft Social Media Seminars Go Virtual

RadCraft is hosting its second annual #CraftSocialMedia event this year. The event is hosted for breweries, distilleries, and maltsters giving them an opportunity to step up their social media game.

Last year’s event was held in Denver at the Yak and Yeti Events Center, a day filled with discussions, pairings and panels around social media topics.

With COVID-19, this year it’s a virtual event.

“In some ways this is a much better approach for RadCraft because we work with companies across the country, not just in Colorado where I live,” said Emily Hutto of RadCraft Beer. “We feel we can make a greater impact with this wider reach. Not to mention the networking opportunities abound.”

The workshop will last two hours, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. (Mountain Time) on Friday, June 26, with 4-5 hours of expanded DIY curriculum.

There is a capacity of 100 people for the workshop this year. The 2020 speakers include @southernbeergirl, @beerswithmandy, and @rockyfoodreport

“Three trailblazing women who have infused professional and homebrewing prowess, technical expertise, and high level sales strategies into their social media feeds,” Hutto said. “They’ll go live during this workshop panel-style, and we’ve also compiled a video with their advice on gaining new followers that participants can watch thereafter.”

Hutto said she encourages those who are too busy to participate to download the content for future use.

The itinerary for the workshop is:

  • Social Media Housekeeping: quick & dirty tips for cleaning up your social media pages
  • Tech in the age of Coronavirus
  • Panel: (Beer) Influencers featuring @southernbeergirl, @beerswithmandy, and @rockyfoodreport
  • Differentiating Your Social Media With Design featuring Ryan Wheaton of Craft Brew Creative and the Craft Label Co.
  • Panel: Craft Malt as Content With  Murphy & Rude Malting in Charlottesville, Virginia and Root Shoot Malting in Loveland, Colorado

Participants can sign up here.

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