In this series, Brewer Magazine connected with various owners and decision-makers across the country to share insights into how they managed their cidery through 2021 and the plans for 2022. You can share your insights as well in future Cider Corners. Email: [email protected].
As the calendar turns to a new year, many cideries have set goals for 2022 with a plan to see growth and increase product visibility. Here are three ideas that are on the minds of cider experts for the coming year.
New Locations
2 Fools Cider, located in Naperville, Ill., will be moving very soon, reports sales rep Doug Will.
“We are expanding every aspect of our production and taproom capabilities,” he said of the cidery’s plans in the coming year. “This beautiful space will become a bastion of fun, games, music, and most importantly cider!”
READ MORE: Cider Corner: Is Adding a Second Location the Right Path?
Increased Variety
In 2022, Number 12 Cider mostly hopes to continue building on things that worked well in 2021 said owner Stephen Hance.
That means the Minneapolis taproom will look to add new products, weekly live music, and activity leagues.
“[It] has helped keep a crowd for us,” Hance said.
For distribution, Hance noted that they have new equipment planned and he is excited to see — hopefully — a higher margin in addition to growth in existing territories.
No Walls (?) Tasting Room
Due to COVID and the onerous costs of meeting code in a 134-year-old Carriage House, co-owner and cidermaker Paula Camp said the cidery in Benton, Michigan did not start out with a tasting room and instead worked at selling products online only.
”That has gone well, but so many people have asked for a tasting room,” Camp told Brewer. ”We are going to see how an outdoor, weekends-only concept works.”
That means a tasting room with no walls. A picnic area and tasting “room” will be a 2022 addition instead.
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