Marketing on a limited budget really comes down to creating true partnerships, said Kevin Scoles.
The Executive Vice President of Sales for Almanac Beer shared with Brewer recently that providing value for those your brewery partners with can be beneficial in terms of the campaign itself
It also can help “shine a light on other focuses they may have,” he added. “Put yourself in the other set of shoes.
“What value can you bring to the table, outside of cash, that can help drive awareness and provide ROI for the partner.”
It’s important to partner with brands that understand the value of extending reach outside their traditional customer base or audience pointed out Fulton’s Holly Manthei. And having a similar mindset in collaboration matters as well.
“If out of the gates a partner is talking about licensing fees or revenue sharing, they’re often not collaborating for the right reasons – or at least the reasons they’re valuable or beneficial for Fulton,” Manthei, Fulton’s VP of Marketing said. “Each partner brings different assets and influences to the table that often isn’t quantifiable when it comes to exposing a new audience to your brand and leading them down their journey from awareness to affinity to adoption.
“If the concept is successful whether that’s an event or a product, it matters a little less that the financial investment/reward isn’t split 50:50.”
Voodoo Brewing looks to work with as many local organizations as possible that continue to foster a sense of community that is at the heart of the brewery’s business, said CMO Tom Guzick.
“Along with our charitable efforts, like our partnership with the ARC of Crawford County, we have a few other partnerships that we are very excited about and work with to create budget-friendly marketing,” he said. This will be Voodoo’s fourth year being the Pennsylvania Partner for Rising Hope, which supports the National Pediatric Cancer Foundation. The brewery is also in its second year of being a sponsorship partner for the Pittsburgh Passion Women’s Football team.
“Locally we are also aiding in the fundraising efforts of the Meadville Area Recreation Complex, through a collaborative beer, That’s Gonna Leave a MARC,” he said.
Partnerships with like-minded organizations that aren’t craft beer-centric can also open up a door to low-spend/high-ROI opportunities. This can open up channels of content, be it event calendars on websites or social media; Facebook group shares; mentions in earned media, or additions to other’s newsletters, having those partnerships can create doors to new consumers or cement current consumers that have like-minded aspects and the ability to cross-market.
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