For All Womanhood will host a Virtual Town Hall conversation around gender equity and the Gray For Good campaign on July 28 featuring women leaders in beverage alcohol and philanthropy. This virtual experience is hosted in concert with the Pink Boots Society devoted to advancing careers of women in the craft beverage space.
Earlier this year, Julia Herz, Gray For Good founder, launched this global grassroots campaign devoted to celebrating all women-identified individuals who go gray and eradicating the gender equity gap by increasing charitable giving to women and girls focused causes. #GrayForGood encourages participation by consciously celebrating women who are gray with genuine gestures of support, and by taking the savings of not coloring gray hair, estimated at $20B+ a year, and directing it to women and girls’ causes. The campaign has a starting goal of $1M in donations from 50,000 people at $20 each. Success will be tracked by stated dollars using the hashtag #GrayForGood.
Herz is activating this fundraising goal with a Virtual Town Hall on Wednesday, July 28 when she’ll talk gray hair with Gwen Conley, Cutwater Spirits and Pink Boots Society member; Jen Jordan, Pink Boots Society President and brewer at Laughing Monk Brewing; and Jeannie Sager, Director of Women’s Philanthropy Institute. The event is free with a suggested $15 (or more) event fee with a portion of profits going back to Pink Boots Society. Register here.
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