Can SB273 Help Craft Brewers in West Virginia?

According to an article in the Charleston Gazette in Charleston, West Virginia, legislation (SB273) advanced Wednesday from the Senate Economic Development Committee. The legislation is hoped to improve West Virginia’s craft brewing industry.

There have been concerns that this piece of legislation could cause issues with major beer companies, but senators decided that although SB273 would assist regional and local breweries, it would not harm the larger companies.

In an interview with Phil Kabler, a reporter at the Charleston Gazette, Alcohol Beverage Control Administration general counsel Anoop Bhasin said, “We’d love it if there was a big brewery that would want to come here, but we also want to support our regional and local breweries.”

Also in Kabler’s article, Sen. Chris Walter, stated, “Where we have an issue, we can find an opportunity. This is a workable, economically friendly piece of legislation.”

You can see Kabler’s full article by clicking here.


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