Stone Brewing announces the latest in its seasonal beers, this one paying homage to the ever-present Gargoyle with a tropical mythology. Stone Vengeful Spirit IPA explodes with the flavors of citrus candy and tiki-style cocktails. Find the beer now, nationwide in six-packs of 12-ounce cans.
Stone’s brewers have often been inspired to brew beers on a theme. In 2007 it was black IPAs. 2008 saw Belgian-influenced IPAs, and more than once it’s been Triple IPAs. Right now, it’s tropically-inspired IPAs, as represented by this beer, Stone Tangerine Express IPA and others waiting in the wings. The name of the Stone Vengeful Spirit IPA plays homage to the Stone gargoyle, who, since 1996 has represented an aggressive intolerance for commoditized beer, by protecting the brewery from the omnipresent forces of evil.
“This beer brings together a lot of what’s been new for Stone lately,” said Jeremy Moynier, Stone’s senior innovation brewing manager. “We included three hops most recently featured in our Stone Hop Revolver IPA series. We’ve really been digging the combination of pineapple and tangerine, similar to what we introduced with Stone Tangerine Express IPA. By experimenting with different add rates and much different hops, we’ve come up with a really unique flavor that’s juicy, citrusy and quite frankly, a little mind-blowing.”
The Gargoyle’s vengeance sets off with the pop of the can. An intense aroma of pineapple, citrus, passion fruit and guava fill the room. The robust fruitiness on the flavor is supported by a hint of malt. The beer is refreshing, smooth and appropriately bitter. It’s hazy gold, 7.3% ABV and brewed to be enjoyed fresh.
As it turns out, vengeful spirits can be awesome…when they’re on your side.
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