Murphy & Rude Malting Company is proud to announce Three Notch’d Brewing Co. as one of several partners making significant commitments to utilizing Virginia-grown and malted grain to add the valued elements of freshness, terroir, and a more sustainable supply chain to the beers they produce.
Murphy & Rude is the primary speciality malt provider for Three Notch’d, which utilizes its wide range of high-kilned, crystal, and dry roasted malts, including C15 and C80, Vienna and Munich 9, and a custom blend of its Milk Chocolate and Baker’s Cocoa roasted malts, to name a few. Since 2018, Three Notch’d has integrated nearly 65,000 pounds of Murphy & Rude specialty malts across their portfolio of flagships, seasonals, and special releases.
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“From color, to flavor, to aroma, Murphy & Rude’s wide variety of specialty malts are a key contributor to the wide variety of beer we’re able to craft,” says Founding Brewmaster of Three Notch’d David Warwick. “Our No Veto Brown Ale may be one of the very best showcases of Murphy & Rude’s quality malting techniques. This beer is layered with depth and complexity from Munich 9, which lays the foundation; then tiered with Biscuit malt, Brown malt and finished with their Baker’s Cocoa. Somehow, bready, biscuity, toffee, nutty, chocolate, and slight coffee notes can all co-exist on your palate without it being muddled.”
No Veto Brown Ale is among an array of Three Notch’d flagships that garner their locality, sense of place, and fresh flavors from Murphy & Rude malt.
“Having a fresh product is vital to our business, and we proudly boast that we are Virginia’s Freshest Beer, so Murphy & Rude’s specialty malts have become a staple in every beer we make,” adds Warwick. “The barley is grown right down the road, then goes straight to the malthouse, then immediately thrown on a truck less than 10 minutes from our loading dock. It doesn’t get any fresher than that!”
The Three Notch’d Fresh Beer Club is a monthly Beer Membership featuring two different or new varieties of Three Notch’d beer each month handpicked by Warwick, with at least one selection guaranteed to have been packaged within the last two weeks.
Beyond freshness, quality, flavor, and locality, Three Notch’d chose Murphy & Rude to continue their education on what Warwick calls the “heart and soul of every beer.” Rob Mullin, the Production Manager at Three Notch’d, agrees, adding “One reason we appreciate our close relationship with Murphy & Rude is for the knowledge Jeff and his team provide to our brewers.”
Find Three Notch’d beers in bottle shops and grocery stores in Virginia and in select locations in Washington, DC.
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