Lawson’s Finest Liquids is celebrating GivingTuesday this year by donating $76,000 to 52 nonprofit organizations through its Sip of Support program. This year’s giving will include donations up to $5,000 in support of a range of causes across Vermont, including sustainable recreation, mental health support, BIPOC community development, individuals with disabilities, senior services, and much more.
“Every year on GivingTuesday, we are proud to support so many impactful Vermont nonprofits to help them achieve their missions,” says Lawson’s Finest Liquids’ Social Impact Program Manager Carra Cheslin. “Sip of Support allows us to give back to communities across Vermont and help fuel critical services and programs supporting all Vermonters.” Among the largest beneficiaries of this year’s GivingTuesday donations are Hannah’s House, Mad River Path, Capstone Community Action’s Fuel Your Neighbor Campaign, Downstreet Housing, Vermont Professionals of Color Network, All Brains Belong VT, and Vermont Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired.
In honor of GivingTuesday, the annual day dedicated to generosity, community and giving around the world, the brewery is also proud to announce the recipients of its 2024 Sunshine Fund, which along with Sip of Support is one of Lawson’s Finest Liquids’ five Social Impact Program (SIP) initiatives. The SIP is the brewery’s way of building impactful connections and strengthening community while creating memorable experiences. This year, the Lawson’s Finest team achieved a total of more than $2 million donated to worthwhile causes since 2018.
The staff at Lawson’s Finest Liquids’ Waitsfield destination taproom receive a generous compensation package, so in lieu of tipping, Lawson’s Finest invites guests to donate to the Sunshine Fund to support local nonprofits and charitable organizations. Each Sunshine Fund awardee becomes a temporary “on-tap” partner for 2 weeks, receiving 100 percent of donations during that designated time. Organizations among the 2024 Sunshine Fund recipients include Girls on the Run VT, Green Mountain Farm-to-School, Friends of the Winooski River, Vermont Adult Learning, Children’s Literacy Foundation, VT Center for Independent Living, Vermont Energy Education Program, Committee on Temporary Shelter, Lamoille Housing Partnership, Northeast Kingdom Community Action, and Unlikely Riders.
Sunshine Fund awardees, and recipients of this year’s Sip of Support GivingTuesday donations are prioritized by their focus on healthy communities, food and economic security, natural resource protection and sustainable recreation in the Green Mountains. The total GivingTuesday donation amount in 2023 is slightly smaller than 2022’s amount, but for a very good reason: Lawson’s Finest made significant contributions toward Vermont Strong efforts earlier in the year. The brewery offered a total of about $40,000 toward relief efforts for those impacted by the Brave Little State’s devastating summer floods, including all proceeds from the specially brewed Vermont Strong Pale Ale.
“Vermont is home to an incredible community of people,” said Lawson’s Finest co-founder Karen Lawson. “We feel very supported here and it’s ingrained in our DNA to not only brew delicious beer but to do it in a way that allows us to give back to the community we love.”
The Lawson’s Finest team encourages individuals to be the sunshine in their own communities and get involved on GivingTuesday, whether that means volunteering, making a monetary donation to a local cause, promoting awareness or supporting a local business. You can learn more about Lawson’s Finest Liquids’ charitable giving initiatives here.
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