The highly anticipated return of Bell’s Oberon Ale is almost here, officially kicking off its 2022 season on Monday, March 21.
After spending the past two years celebrating virtually and at a distance, beer fans are more than ready for this annual holiday, signaling the end of winter, whether Mother Nature always agrees or not. Midnight tappings will offer those first sips of summer launching a week-long celebration at bars, restaurants, and retailers across the country.
“This may be a long-standing Bell’s tradition, but it also showcases an incredible amount of hard work,” said Carrie K. Yunker, Bell’s Executive Vice President. “There are so many across this state that benefit from our fans’ shared passion for this beer. To see this state come alive after a long, dreary winter, it’s truly inspiring and uplifting to see.”
“As we all reach for the sun on Monday, I hope others will join me in sharing appreciation for everyone who has had a hand in making this happen,” she added. “And we may just have one other surprise to share on Monday, so stay tuned.”
Second only to Bell’s highly regarded (and year-round) Two Hearted IPA in sales, Oberon offers a highly drinkable 5.8% ABV. A classic summer beer, it’s perfect for the backyard, while cheering on your favorite team or just about any summer pastime.
Oberon is summer, so go ahead and reach for the sun starting Monday.
Bell’s American Wheat Ale will be available in all its regular packaging options (draft, bottles and, cans) through August across Bell’s distribution footprint except in Arizona and Florida where Oberon is enjoyed year-round. New for this year will be the addition of 19.2 cans; look for that limited offering in June.
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