The Women’s Craft Fermentation Alliance (WCFA) is proud to announce the creation of the Evergreen Brewing Initiative (EBI), a program designed to help enable, empower, and encourage women and non-binary individuals to participate in homebrewing beer and other ferments. Headed by Michele Wonder, the WCFA’s Web & Media Director and homebrewer in her own right, the Initiative also seeks to close the gap in participation between men and women/non-binary individuals in the competitive space, creating more opportunities for both judging and entering beer alike.
While historically, brewing beer and making other beverages at home was most often a chore performed by women, in recent times the balance has shifted dramatically. However, as the hobby itself faces years of declining participation, its biggest opportunity lies in the same people that have often not felt welcomed within it. The Evergreen Brewing Initiative exists not only to provide support for women and non-binary individuals in the world of homebrewing, but to revitalize and to introduce new and vibrant energy into it as well.
“The initial idea that ended up forming EBI came when I was looking at the list of winners at the 2022 National Homebrew Competition and not a single, easily identifiable female name could be found,” explained Michele Wonder, co-founder of the Initiative. “I immediately thought, why are women not participating in these comps? Why are women not participating in this hobby? I immediately knew that the WCFA could help with this.”
When it launches, the Initiative will provide a wide range of resources for those that homebrew, or who are interested in learning how to do so. These will include free or discounted access to educational materials, mentorships, material support for brewing and competition entry, among others. Moreover, members of the Initiative will be a part of a community of homebrewers from backgrounds similar to their own. This will allow everyone to engage comfortably and confidently, no matter their experience or skill level.
“The Evergreen Brewing Initiative is another way that WCFA wants to encourage MORE amazing humans to participate in the fermentation hobby and industry,” said Melissa McCann, Executive Diirector of the WFCA. “Michele and her co-founders have created an encouraging, safe space for all to gain confidence in their skills, whether they are beginners looking for an encouraging place to begin and know they belong, seasoned brewers looking for a like-minded group, or somewhere in between. EBI has a space for everyone!”
The Evergreen Brewing Initiative will launch soon, with additional resources and support being added regularly. Those who are interested in being kept up to date on the Initiative’s development, would like to learn more about sponsorship opportunities, or have skills and experience that you wish to share, sign up for more information and news through the EBI website.
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