Capitalizing on a swiftly growing craft beverage industry in Western North Carolina, Blue Ridge Community College is poised to launch a new two-year degree program this fall aimed at training workers for a variety of jobs in the field.
Getting started
Blue Ridge Community College will hold information sessions for prospective students interested in the proposed Brewing, Distillation and Fermentation program, which is slated to begin this fall pending approval by the State Board of Community Colleges.
Students can earn an associate degree, diploma or certificate.
Information sessions will be held Monday on the Henderson County campus in Flat Rock at 9 a.m., 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. in the Spearman Building, room 128. Sessions will also be held at the Transylvania County campus in Brevard at 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. Monday, July 15. Reservations are not required and sessions will last about an hour.
BRCC plans to begin the admissions and financial aid application processes for the program on July 23.
For more information call 828-694-1800 or 883-2520, or visit www.blueridge.edu.
College officials expect final state approval of an Associate in Applied Science Degree program in Brewing, Distillation and Fermentation by July 19. It will be part of an overall collaborative program of the North Carolina Community College System – one of the few of its kind in the country – with BRCC joining Asheville-Buncombe Technical College and Rockingham Community College as the only three schools seeking final approval in the first year.
Source: BlueRidgeNow.com
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