Bale Breaker Brewing Company, a brewery located on their family’s 4th generation hop farm in the beautiful Yakima Valley, is excited to announce the upcoming release of Mango Tango Summer Ale on April 26th, with a fresh new look for 2024. The brewery partnered with local artist Christie Tirado to redesign their can to pay homage to Yakima’s migrant workers by tying parallels to the migrant worker’s journey and the monarch butterfly’s journey.
Every year, millions of monarch butterflies migrate from Mexico to Canada and back. Similarly, thousands of migrant workers journey from their homes in Mexico to the Yakima Valley to harvest hops for breweries across the globe. In 2017, Bale Breaker joined together with Yakima Chief Hops, Cerveceria de Colima, Cerveza Loba, Ronin Fermentation Project, and SouthNorte to start Sesiones Del Migrante, a series of beers brewed yearly to celebrate the Mexican migrant workers who travel to the Yakima Valley to grow and harvest hops. Bale Breaker’s Sesiones Del Migrante beer, Mango Tango Summer Ale, is getting a refresh this year in a partnership with local Yakima artist Christie Tirado, inspired by the monarch butterfly’s journey.
Mango Tango Summer Ale will be released at both their Yakima and Ballard taprooms on 4/26, and receive full distribution throughout Washington, Oregon, and Idaho that same week– find it using Bale Breaker’s online beer finder. Washington customers can also order their beer via their online store after launch.
Following the release of the beer, Bale Breaker is hosting their annual Mango Tango Fiesta in Yakima on May 11th and in Ballard on May 18th. Find details for these fiestas on Bale Breaker’s website.
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