YCH HOPS (Yakima Chief – Hopunion LLC), a leading global hop supplier, has announced that Karl Vanevenhoven has been promoted to Chief Operating Officer and former COO Steve Carpenter has been appointed Chief Supply Chain Officer, a new position at YCH HOPS. Both report to Chief Executive Officer, Mike Goettl.
“As our business has grown and become more complex we’ve decided to split the leadership responsibilities over our supply chain and processing operations between Steve and Karl, two very talented, experienced, and dedicated members of our team,” says Mike Goettl. “As Chief Supply Chain Officer, Steve will have oversight of all hop procurement activities as well as all warehousing and logistics operations. Karl will have oversight over all pelleting, extract, Cryo HopsĀ® processing, and packaging activities.”
Prior to his promotion, Vanevenhoven held the position of Vice President of Operations for over three years. In total, he has been a member of the YCH family for over 20 years.
“I am very excited to have the opportunity to work with a growing team of technical, operations and engineering professionals at YCH as we invest in new facilities and technology,” says Vanevenhoven.
Carpenter has been a member of YCH management for over 10 years, serving as CEO for Yakima Chief, Inc. and transitioning to the role of COO following the merger with Hopunion. His history in the hop industry spans much further, as his family has been a leading hop grower in the Yakima Valley for over a century.
“As a grower-owned company with a passion for great beer, we know how important it is for our brewer customers to have access to great hops,” says Carpenter. “We have designed our supply chain system to assure brewers that our hops were sustainably grown with a focus on preserving the quality that our growers produce in the field.”
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